Sunday, February 14, 2010

My school Wiki/My Wiki

I knew my school wouldn't have a Wiki, so I made one. I just put our general information that is on our website on it. I am going to mention it to my staff at our next staff meeting and hopefully we can all add to it.

ABT Elementary Wiki:

My personal Wiki is located at


  1. A friend shared with me that since you Wiki from Wikispaces is created to be used for a school, you can ask for a free upgrade to a Wiki without advertisements. I think the link is at the bottom of the page.

  2. Lisa is 100% correct! In a pinch, you can get in touch with WikiSpaces support and ask them how to transfer your account over. Another neat thing about Wikispaces - they will batch sign up your students. All you have to do is provide them with a database. That way students can use the wiki for classwork.
