Sunday, February 14, 2010

Blogs in the Classroom

With the level of my students, I don't know about blogs in my classroom with my students but I do see them useful when it comes to communicating with parents and colleagues. It would be good with fellow colleagues when it comes to what is going on in each others classrooms to coordinate lessons/ create cross-curricular lessons. Also, to share ideas, lessons, resources, websites etc. I think a blog just for parents would be cool. Talk about assignments, give homework help, communicate regarding class activities/parties/field trips etc.


  1. I am having a difficult time imagining using blogs as more than a communication with students and parents.

  2. I agree that blogs are difficult for many students. Perhaps one way around this is to create a comment for a blog as a whole class during a mini lesson on writing, and then you, or perhaps a few select students, could type the finished message into the blog?

    Blogs sound like fun as long as we can make the necessary adaptations to meet the needs of our kiddos!

  3. Blogging - I've considered doing this alongside my class wiki or within it but just havent had a go yet. One thing that another teacher does is to have different students, week by week do an on-line 'video diary'. I suppose a blog could be done this way... students could take it in turns to say what the class had been doing and link it into the wiki for parents and other students to see. Is there time for this?

  4. Maybe it's a tool you can use a different year based on your students. Having a blog for parents where you could update them on class happenings would be very useful I would think. If you make a blog for for parents, let us know how it goes.

  5. Teachers can have students respond to questions based on a book being read in class (book study). Questions to a science or math problem can be posted by the teacher and the students would have to explain how they would solve the problem. Blogs can used for a wide variety of purposes. For my Alien Adventure project, the students are collecting and sharing ideas for protecting the Earth.
